If anyone knows me, you know how much I love coffee and I even turned that down today.
So why was my Monday so great, you ask?
Well first of all, I shouldn't be trusted to go grocery shopping. I literally always buy Pizza Rolls, Capri-Suns, and pretzels. Every single trip to Wal-Mart I take. Sometimes I switch it up and buy some rotisserie chicken because I'm too lazy and hungry to buy frozen chicken and cook it, but this last 'Pizza Rolls' trip aka Wal-Mart trip I took, I decided to be domestic and buy some Chai Tea.
I've forgotten how much I love Chai Tea.
Is it sad that my whole day can be changed by just one cup of Chai Tea? Okay, maybe it was two, but yes. That is sad.
Here I am, filled up to my eyeballs with math problems and 'invisible numbers' like whatever those are, and I tend to do this thing where I buy something, and it gets pushed into the back of the fridge and I totally forget about it and then it expires. Since it's almost a new year, I'm trying to become a better version of myself, and that means using things before they expire. Even though it's 40 degrees outside, I decide Talia needs some iced Chai as a 'you did a lot of homework' reward. I've got myself some good company in my kitchen tonight with my two best friends, delicious drink and strong conversation.
I'm the kind of person who hates small talk. Talk to me about your life, not just your day or your lunch. I just love listening to how people are molded into who they are today. My conversation tonight was geared towards double-standards.
Why are girls called 'sluts' and 'whores' when they do something, but if a guy does the same thing, he's congratulated by his friends?
What even defines a 'slut'?
Slut is such an awful word. It's up there with 'fag' and I cringe every time it's used.
Does sleeping with someone make you a slut? Absolutely not.
So why are we going around calling every girl who has ever had sex, with a boyfriend or not, a slut?
I feel like this is especially prevalent during college. There are girls who are out there flaunting and throwing themselves at guys, but even those girls deep down just want to feel wanted and beautiful, and unfortunately that's how they fulfill those needs, then there are girls who save themselves and don't even look at guys. Why aren't we treating all these girls the same?
My mom has taught me some very insightful things, but the one thing I will always remember that she's told me is; having sex does not make you a slut.
Some people who read this are going to be like "omg, I can't believe your mom would say that!" and I am sitting here like "why?" You may think it's giving me every reason to go and sleep with anyone, when in reality, it makes me remember that I have standards, and that I'm worth more than just one night. (Like I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I'm pretty funny.) But if it does happen, I shouldn't never look down on myself because of it. This statement is also what makes me not judge anyone for their past experiences. I've been called a slut and whore countless times by a girl who had no reason to say anything to me. I'm a pretty strong girl and I just brushed it off, but at some point, those words really start to get to you and you start feeling extremely worthless and like nothing, and the girl saying that to me, feels satisfied that she's torn me down. Girls can be ruthless, and nobody should have to feel like that. An example of this are teen moms. These poor girls are so looked down on and judged by girls who are doing the EXACT same thing, but just have a little more 'luck', you could say.
Maybe we should just look at and treat people how we would want to be, and put all our judgements aside for five minutes. We should also stop calling people sluts and whores, because for one, it's nobody else's business and two, who are you to judge anyone else?
ps. Every girl who reads this and has ever been called something degrading, middle finger up to those bitchachos, hair flip and you walk away with your head held high. You're beautiful and deserve the world. Those people trying to get in the way of that, are not worth your time at all.
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