Let's start from the beginning.
So here I am, just chilling with one of my friends, and somehow our conversation gears towards looks. It's no secret that I struggle with acne, and that seems to bother me more than most people. I stated that fact and my friend said "Your acne isn't even bad compared to some other people." Which I know is true, but then he decided to throw in "if I were you, I would be more worried about your teeth. You'll have everything going for you when you get those fixed."
I know what you are thinking; what an a-hole thing to say, but to me, it's really not.
Yeah, it sucks when someone points something out to you that you know you struggle with, and my teeth are all sorts of messed up, but right now, I don't have the means to fix that particular part of me, so why should I let it bother me when there is nothing I can do about it?
I mean, I should be thankful that he pointed it out, but then backed it up with a 'compliment' of some sort. In all honesty, he probably didn't realize what he was saying, and I'm not blaming him for anything, but I'm also not saying that I completely brushed it off like I sounded like I did.
At work tonight, I noticed myself smiling without showing teeth, which I never do because that makes my cheeks look a little deformed, like the Joker or something. Subconsciously, it was most likely from that comment, which actually really sucks because I've been complimented multiple times how nice of a smile I have and to never stop smiling.
So why am I hiding my insecurity from people who may not even care about it?
The people who gave me those compliments were senior citizens who enjoy buffets, so their eye sight may have been going out, but smiles are the one thing I always notice first when I meet people, not their teeth.
On Twitter, all I see are "good teeth are a must in my future spouse!"
Liiiiiiiike, all you want is someone with good teeth? Yeah, they are certainly a plus, but I have met plenty of people with flawless teeth who have less than decent personalities. If you are only looking at people for their looks, then you actually deserve someone like that. I want to find someone that holds me up as a person. Someone who loves me for what I have inside, not what I look like on the outside.
I know how cliche this sounds, but just bear with me for a minute.
At work again tonight, there was a mentally ill man in the section next to mine. By mentally ill, I mean he was in his late 40's, but was acting like he was two or three. I personally love mentally ill people, so his behavior didn't bother me at all, but I did notice that neighboring customers were looking at the family with annoyance and other customers coming into the restaurant would avoid sitting close to them at all, and I just don't understand the ignorance some people have.
Maybe that's what this whole thing is; an ignorance problem.
Those people were looking at that man like he was lower than them, like he wasn't good enough. That's what I thought when that comment was said to me. I wasn't good enough because my teeth are a little crooked.
But you know what? I don't want to be 'good enough'.
I know that I am me, no matter what. That man I saw earlier payed no attention to anyone around him. He is one of the happiest men I've seen in a while, and even told me to have a great night and to be happy. (He actually screamed it at me, but that's okay.) I want to be as happy as that man is, and that means not caring what other people are going to think about me, and just being the best me.
I may get my teeth fixed one of these days, but that's not going to change the person I am.
Hi, I'm Talia and even though I have acne, watch way too much Netflix and have some teeth that aren't even close to being straight, I'm still cool and you should still try and get to know me.
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