
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One down, one more to go.

In a week, I'll be officially finished with my first semester of college, which completely blows my finals-filled mind. It seems like just a week ago I was posing in front of my door, by the garbage bag with my Capri Sun and yogurt, headed off to my first class.
I'm sure somewhere in the past I wrote a post about what I've learned during my stay here in sunny St. George, and I'm about to do the same thing, but a 'first semester' addition.

In the past four months of college I have learned:
Roommates are not necessarily meant to be your best friends. (Except for one. You need just one good one.)
Not everyone enjoys cleanliness as much as you do.
I live in the trashy of student housing.
Your neighbor can get arrested for stealing someone else's dirty clothes.
McDonalds will always be delicious, no matter how bad it is for you.
Denny's every morning of the weekend with leftover make up on is in fact, not frowned upon.
You won't completely have a life, no matter how hard you try to.
It's better to just park in the very back of the Target parking lot. There won't be one up front. (That's probably better, because then you have a little walk to work those Pizza Rolls off.)
Math homework= Netflix 90% of the time.
Netflix, I'm positive, was made for college students.
Taking 8 and 9 am classes is such a Freshmen thing to do.
I don't know what I hate more; buying a scantron every time or taking the actual test.
BSing your homework will most likely give you a better grade than if you actually try.
Dryers can be broken for more than two months.
Coffee becomes water some days.
Girlfriends are very rare and should be cherished.
Best friends become your family away from home.
Not every attractive guy will treat you how you deserve to be treated. (Thanks a lot, movies.)
You can fight with roommates through sticky notes.
Walking to school isn't as fun as it was the first week.
My couch was bought at the DI.
Saturday mornings are sometimes worse than Monday's.
Weekends home are such a nice refreshment.
College isn't at all like how it is on the movies and tv shows.
One, can indeed, live off Pizza Rolls.
2am becomes the new 10pm.
Missing class once starts an unhealthy trend for the future.
and finally, the most important thing I have learned is that
I love college and the experiences I've had so far.

Yes, maybe I have ran into a couple a-holes along the way and maybe done something I'm not proud of, but at the end of the night, in between stressing about what I have to do the following day, I remember that those bad experiences are shaping me into the person I have become, and making me a stronger version of myself. 
You need a bad time to be grateful for the good ones, and the good ones are what we live for.


ps. It's finals week, so pray for my little soul. rip.

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