
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Am I going to regret this or?

Regrets are silly little things.
Here you are, doing something that's probably cool and exciting, and in that exact moment, it seems like it's the right thing. Then the next day you're just like "wow, I really probably shouldn't have done that."
Let's try this new thing where we don't regret things. We should look at things that have gone wrong as learning experiences, then not do them again.

Being 18, I really don't have that many regrets. I may think I do, but I am a dramatic teenager, so I have an excuse. 
I mean, sometimes when I wake up at seven am to be in class at eight, I really regret not only making class that early when I obviously hate mornings more than any other human on Earth, but I also regret hanging out with my friends till midnight eating Oreos the night before. This particular experience should be a learning one because I literally do it every night. When I have to drag myself out of bed and attempt to do my hair with my eyes closed because I'm too tired and the light is so bright, I should be like "Tonight I'm going to go to bed early, or at least at a decent time." (I do say that and believe it until the Oreos are pulled out of the cupboard... I love Oreos.)

I also regret never being involved in high school. Everyone takes high school so seriously and I just wasn't about that life. I just wanted to graduate and move on to bigger and better things. Maybe instead of watching Gossip Girl and reading my life away, I could have gone to a couple basketball games and watched a talent show or two. I could have joined student government and gotten out of my comfort zone a little. Here's the thing, though; high school is so cliche. If you aren't a dancer or a lacrosse player, you may as well not even bother talking to other people. I think I'm pretty cool... even if I can't throw a football to save my life. To be honest, if I were to ever go back to high school, I would change that whole experience drastically. (Please never make me go back. I like college a lot more.)

This may sound stupid, but I regret the way I've treated people in the past. Actually, no. It's really not stupid. I have this unfortunate quality that when I am mad, I say things that I really don't mean just because I know I will hit a nerve in you. I hate that I do that. I've said countless things that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to take them back. I've been doing really good about that lately, mainly because living in the middle of the desert there isn't really anyone to fight with, but if I ever say anything mean, just know that I already regret saying it the minute it left my mouth and let's hug it out with some Chick-fil-a.

So since our futures are inevitable, what am I going to regret in a year... or ten years?

Do I regret choosing an apartment that has carpet that turns your feet black when you walk on it? Slightly, but hey, I have a place to live!

Do I regret cutting my hair? No, but I do regret not cutting it sooner.

Am I going to regret wearing yoga pants to school tomorrow because I already know I just can't even? I don't even care because comfy.

Long story short, we are all going to regret things and we are scared of the past and what's left in it. We can pretend like we aren't bothered, but deep down we are. Why can't we just look back and laugh at the ugly bow in your sixth grade school picture? I mean, it was probably cute back then! (Not really, mom.)

We are all just really amazing people and we shouldn't let something that already came and went, control us. Looking towards the future and the day ahead of us, makes for a better and happier life.
So why not conquer this life?


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