
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Love yourself

We all jam out to JB's 'Love Yourself' every day at least once (don't lie, I know that you do), but this post isn't going to be about Justin's beautiful face and flawless hair. Sorry, my fellow little Beebs. 

All over social media I see things such as 'before anyone can love you, you need to love yourself first' and how important self love is. I have some conflicting thoughts about this sense of entitlement, but by all means..... love yourself everyday. 

First of all, I personally feel like you need someone else to show you the love and appreciation that a person deserves. I don't know about you guys, but I don't wake up every morning and think 
"Damn I look good! I don't need no man!"
Buuuut, some of us do and that's totally awesome. Like mad props to you girlfriend, your contour is on point. Then there are the people like me, who need the constant reassurance that a significant other can give to you to be able to even being loving yourself.

1. You can't tickle your own back, but your boyfriend can and that is love all around for everyone.
2. The way you see yourself is completely different from the way someone else sees you. When you look in the mirror and see the troll that lives underneath the bridge, someone else looks at you and sees beauty in every form and loves every flaw that you unfortunately have to offer.
3. My love language is touch, and even the smallest thing such as our arms touching while we are watching stupid indie movies (that actually aren't stupid) and holding hands can make me feel like I'm worth something to someone.
4. Staying up all night, talking about anything and everything, getting to know a person inside and out; you can't do that by yourself. I mean you could, but you'd look a little odd and you wouldn't get anywhere.
5. Leaving work and knowing that there is someone up waiting for you, is literally the best feeling in the world and it's so much better than coming home to an empty house and a bag of Cheetos.

What I am trying to say is that being single is awesome, yes, but loving someone while you are also learning to love yourself is even better. Like when you are single you don't have to worry about another person constantly, you can do whatever you want to whenever you want to, and you save a whole lot of money, but 
you build yourself from other people.

Look at it this way:
Everyone you have ever come in contact with, has changed your life in someway.
Every experience you have ever had has shaped you into the person you are today.
Every thought and feeling you've had shapes your actions and the way you act and treat others around you.
I believe that you aren't able to even know how to love yourself when you don't know how to love another person. 

We all accept the love we think we deserve, and I believe that is why everyone is saying that you need to love yourself first, and I completely get that, but I also feel like there are a hundred other factors that play a part in the type of love someone emits and receives.

Loving yourself is a huge thing in everyone's life, but giving all your love to someone else unconditionally is an even bigger thing. We may think that we are all chill and cool with ourselves, but you honestly won't even be able to fathom how amazing of a thing it is to give all your love to someone and watch it build them up entirely. That is what I call love.

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