I've been struggling to write an essay these past couple of days, which I have no idea why because 1. I love to write, obviously, and 2. It's on something I generally care about. I don't know if I just don't have any motivation because it's school and the semester is almost done, but since I keep getting side-tracked, I decided I should think of what I am thankful for(It is November), instead of what I hate doing at the moment, and share it with the world.
I've worked the past six days this week, and I've honestly dreaded going in every single time. I'm starting to do this new thing where I hate doing the same thing everyday, over and over again. So I just have to suck it up because it is my job and all, and drive my grumpy a to Chuck-a-Rama. Once I get there something happens. Every single time; one of my customers will either give me an amazing compliment on how great I was and that my service was awesome, or someone will go out of their way to ask me what my future plans are and that they're proud of me. I don't even know these people, and they still make me feel awesome about myself and actually care. I'm extremely grateful for the people who strive to make at least one person smile everyday, and I've decided I want to be more like that as well.
Another thing about my job is...that I actually have a job. That's more than a lot of college students and even older adults can say. I may hate and loath going in everyday, but at the end of the night, I'm getting free food(and as a college student, that rocks), and learning responsibility along with making my own money and being independent on myself. I mean, who likes asking their mom for money when you are almost 19?
Another thing I dread doing everyday is waking up at the butt-crack of dawn aka 7(ish) am and walking my freezing cold self to school and walking back home to hours of homework. As I'm practically killing myself over every single math equation my brain fails to remember, I need to try and remember that I'm in college. This isn't supposed to be easy, but it is definitely going to be rewarding by the end. A lot of kids don't have the means to even finish high school, and I've furthered myself to higher education. Plus, math is only for another month or so, then I'm off the hook. That's something to be grateful about.
In order to be writing this right now, I need a chair to be sitting in and a table for my laptop to be sitting on, and all those things, including me, need to be under a roof in a cozy little apartment I just decorated. Lucky for me, I have one of those and even some twinkly lights wrapped around the place to add some character. Since I moved so far away from my parents, and decided I want to pursue life on my lonesome, I'm super happy I have somewhere to live and I'm not the homeless man who bathes on the stairs of the Smith's down the block. I mean, this may be the third week that my dryer has been broken and my roommates don't know what sink is and how water works to wash the dishes, but at least I have the actual means to wash my clothes. We all know how much I love to do laundry.
College is all about making new friends and creating new memories, right? Well truuuue that! I was kind of iffy moving four hours away from everything that I've ever known, but I'm honestly so happy that I did. I'd never want to trade the friendships I've made down here and everything that I've experienced with those people for anything. Some may have turned out good and some may have turned out bad, but the bad days are what shape us into who we are as people, and make us stronger. That sounds really cheesy and a line that should be at the end of a Nicholas Sparks book, but I'm a firm believer that it's true. No one wants to hang out with that person that makes everyone else feel awful just because they are. Be the person that you would want to hang out with and be friends with.
Friends are an important aspect of life, but so is family, and I can't explain how grateful I am for mine. My mom and dad have always been so supportive of me and my decisions, letting me figure out what I want and need, and just being there by my side through everything. When everyone else is doubting me, they are always there to push me to pursue it and not worry about what anyone has to say about it. No words will ever come close to explaining how much they mean to me and how much I love them.
Parents are cool, but sisters are your best friends and maybe a little cooler. I know you can't choose family, but if I could, I'd choose my sisters. It was so hard leaving Tianna because she is my rock. I've always been so used to her being just a few steps away in the other room, ready to go on random downtown drives with me and buying me coffee every other time we go. Even though we live four hours away from each other, we still are constantly on the phone and still know every detail of each others lives. That little girl is one of the best people I've ever met in my life.
Now since I've left you all teary-eyed with my generic gratefulness, I just want to take a moment and say how thankful I am for Pizza Rolls and Hot Pockets. Those bad boys have given me so many meals in just the two short minutes it takes, and they are always on sale at Smith's. They are the real MVP's, and if you ever want to get me a gift, I like Pizza Rolls.
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