
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Eight days.

My dear internet friends, I leave to St. George in just eight short days.
Umm hi, major reality check. How's it going?
I've had this vision for a lot of my 18 year old life;
For one, my roommates were supposed to be my best friends and we were supposed to have a cute little apartment together stocked full of ramen and rice cakes. (I have a new love for cheddar rice cakes... I know, I'm a grandma.) and for two, I was also supposed to be living in California... but I'll get there soon. Don't even worry.
"Oh, but Talia, in eight days, what are you really going to do?"
As of right now since I have no friends and still unfortunately live in Utah, I have a pop-up hamper(thanks dollar section in Target), some towels and a comforter. No sheets to go with that comforter yet, I haven't even started to pack nor do I even know where to start, and I have no idea who my roommates even are. What if they stink and wash their hair in the sink? I don't think I can handle that. Although, I did in fact find out that there are TWO bathrooms in my 'apartment' so that has taken a whole lot of stress off my shoulders and now I feel as light as a balloon.
So long story short, feel free to come help me pack and we can cry together and eat eight tubs of ice cream in honor of the days.

Since St. George is such a small, very coffee shop limited town,(There are only two Starbucks... heaven help me) here are eight things I am going to miss about the good ole' SLC:
  1. Of course my mom and Tianna. I'm leaving behind my best friends. :'(
  2. Downtown Salt Lake and even all the homeless it entails.
  3. Francesco's heavenly breadsticks.
  4. The fact that Tianna and I pretty much have our own little apartment upstairs. (I'm not going to miss the fact that I always have to turn off the hall light, though.)
  5. Everyone I work with. They've become more like family than anything else.
  6. Daily sister car pictures.
  7. Night views of the whole valley.
and the final thing that I am going to miss are the fantastic malls we have up here.

That's very cliche of my Starbucks-holding-self, but I really do enjoy shopping so much and the mall in St. George just really does not cut it. If my shopping addiction wasn't already bad enough, I was cleaning my room yesterday and I found a bag from Forever 21 that had a shirt in it that I had totally forgot I had bought. It wasn't all a bad situation, it was more like Christmas in August. I am not even complaining. (My wallet probably is.)

All in all, I'm extremely exited for college and these eight days are going to flllllly by.


ps. I love all of you and if you really love me as well, drive the four hours down and bring breadsticks.

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