
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Here we go again

So, I feel like one post isn't enough to explain 'beauty'.
What even is beauty?
Everyone sees beauty from a different perspective. Some people see celebrities in magazines as beautiful, but I see fake photoshop. Other people see beauty in eyes and words that someone speaks. (Maybe I see a piece of pizza as beautiful, that's okay too.)

Although, I'm sure we can all agree on one thing;
acne is not classified as beautiful.
I know, you all are thinking "Oh my, your acne isn't even bad!" No, mine may not be terrible to you, but about 90% of people anywhere struggle and suffer with acne and feel less beautiful every time they look in the mirror.
Mirrors might have been put on this earth to ruin lives, ps.

If you are like me, I've tried every single acne cream, pill and serum under the sun just to come out with the same result: acne. For a minute in time, I had clear skin and I felt awesome. I barely had to wear any make up and I could tell people were actually looking at ME and not the little bumps covering my face.
All good things must come to an end, and now, a few months later, the devil bumps are making a comeback, and not in a good way.
Isn't it weird that some red bumps can make you want to hide under a bag and never come out? Just like a black line on your eyelid can make you feel fabulous.
I really try and tell everyone that acne doesn't define you as a person. You can do anything you've ever wanted and people will have to pay attention to that, and not what hormones and stress have created. I know that it's hard to wake up every morning and try to look past all the blemishes and scars, even unbearable sometimes, but I promise that you will find someone that will look past that too. Who else even matters when you have at least one person who loves you unconditionally?  I've unfortunately made a spot for acne in my life, and have had come to terms that it's going to happen. I mean, us girls have it somewhat easy. All the new make up and powders out there, we can pretty much cover it all up and feel beautiful for a few hours.

On the flip side, make up can break us as well. It's just another norm that society is throwing down our throats.
Oh, you don't wear mascara and have blonde eyelashes? You're just lazy and don't care about anything.
Oh, your skin would be a lot smoother with foundation. Go spend $9 on a tiny bottle.
Your hair isn't long, blonde and naturally curly? You aren't as pretty as the girl next to you.

Why is society so media based? If foundation, mascara, and flat irons were never even invented, we wouldn't need to 'feel beautiful'. We already would be, and in our own skin.
Those girls you see on magazines, they aren't real. I've been on photoshop, it's not that hard to tweak something here and flatten something there. 
I don't know about you, but when I see a picture of myself, I want to actually see myself. I want to look like I do everyday.

Life, especially teenage life, is hard, but hating yourself and what you see in the mirror makes it even harder.

I know how silly it sounds, but give yourself a compliment every day. It's not being narcissistic, you're finding your own worth. Trust me, it makes the mornings a little more easier.

Stay cute, kids.


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