
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Too soon?

All this talk about Robin Williams has really got me thinking. Can we all just agree on one thing?

Suicide is not selfish.

I don't know who decided that a poor, helpless individual who had no other other means of bettering themselves, is selfish for doing what they did.

Suicide is such a taboo topic, that even this post is going to cause some type of controversy in someone's mind/life, but honestly, I'm not afraid to talk about it because if we don't, it's still going to happen, if not more than it already is.

What even is 'suicide'?
The act of intentionally taking ones own life.
So now someone out there is going to be all "Well they were obviously only thinking about themselves and not the affect on everyone around them." 
There was something they needed to get away from and you can bring a person to as many therapy and social settings as you want, but they won't accept help unless they truly want it. 

I personally have never had suicidal thoughts or manic depression, but I do know a few people who do. If one of them ever took their own life, would I be like
"That was extremely selfish of them. Do they know what they left behind and how they are making us feel?"
Absolutely not.
The people who are suffering with these diseases feel like they have no other way out. They aren't hanging themselves in their closets so someone will give them more attention or listen to them more. They are doing this to get rid of the constant let-downs and/or guilt and remorse they feel every waking moment. Well what about talking to someone? That person doesn't know what they are going through. They don't want someone else to have to have their burden pushed upon them. There is nothing selfish about wanting to be dead.

Yes, it sucks for the family and friends left behind, but you can't blame that person for taking their own life. I'm 100% sure that there were signs and maybe you didn't notice anything different or maybe you just chose to ignore them because 'they are on medication' or 'everyone feels sad sometimes'.
Except here is the thing: depression isn't just being sad and medication can't cure emotions. Sure some pills can help you feel better for a few hours, but even the happiest of people are the ones who hate themselves the most. To me, it's terrine that once someone is dead, that's when they are recognized for all the good they have done. What about when they are standing right in front of you? Why can't you tell them then?

That girl at school who talks to everyone and is constantly laughing with her friends? She may be contemplating suicide every night before she goes to bed.
"But she's always smiling! She can't be sad!"
Just because someone looks happy on the outside, does not mean they are feeling like that on the inside. A smile is such a simple gesture, yet it holds so many secrets.

I wish we could all walk a day in someone else's shoes. Actually, I wish we could all take a visit into someone else's mind so we can see what really goes on behind closed doors.
'Well I don't want to know what it feels like to want to kill myself."
Well maybe you should, so you can be there for a person when they are feeling that exact same way. Maybe that will make you stop judging someone just by the pure fact that they are smiling or not and saying the word 'suicude' wouldn't make everyone around us gasp and feel uncomfortable.

I don't care if you have never read a book in your whole life, read 'Thirteen Reasons Why' By Jay Asher. One of the best books I have ever read and it certainly doesn't glamorize suicide and the way it affects people. If I were in charge of the world, every student would be required to read it in Middle School because it touches down on sexual assault, rumors and bullying. I'll even let you borrow it because I feel it's so necessary.


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