
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hell week.

I'm sure everyone is really looking forward to me complain about college some more, so I'm here to make your dreams come true. ;)

Two words:
Finals week.

"Oh, but Talia, you've had months to prepare for this week in your life. Why are you stressing?"
Well, let me tell you real quick.

For one, I suck at anything school related, so since I'm just kind of hanging on by a thread, these tests aren't the business in my life. For two, I started out the week hearing that combat boots are now considered the Aeropostale of shoes, and this is concerning because I literally love combat boots and in fact wore some today. This situation needs to be figured out soon, because certain skirts need those babies. For three, I have to listen to classical music to really concentrate on my math, and that's embarrassing because I'm sure my roommates don't necessarily love piano solos. Fourth, I'm writing this post so I'm not obviously doing what I should be aka studying or aka killing myself. For five, I've gotten into a bad habit(since Friday) where I go to bed at three am-ish and wake up around noonish. This isn't working out for me because I waste my whole day away and my final tomorrow is at 8 am, so I can't sleep through that bad boy. For six, I made a goal for myself the beginning of the semester that I wanted at least an 80% on my math final, and that's reaching for the stars at this point. Like, seriously, what was I thinking? Anyone want to pretend to be Talia for a couple hours? For seven, I went to the local polygamist community today and they don't even have to go to school after 8th grade, so they aren't even stressing like I am right now. They're just chillin', braiding each others hair. Eighth, once I leave the class or take the test, I forget everything I have learned. It's nearly impossible to dig through my brain and blow the dust off all my prior learnings. For nine, all I can really think about right now is McDonalds. For ten, my two best friends are officially out of my Dixie life next semester; actually in the next three days and it makes me really upset, thus making me not able to concentrate as well as I should be.

So you could say I'm slightly stressing. Feel free to drop a truck load of Pizza Rolls and coffee to apartment two. 

Okay, maybe I'm being dramatic. Finals week isn't all bad... when I really really think about it.
I mean, my finals aren't till tomorrow, so I have almost two days of stress free living. 
My neighbors decided to clean their absolutely disgusting apartment and even though I don't live there, I felt some stress lifted off my shoulders. 
I use the right 'your' and 'there' in real-life text message sentences, so my English final is going to be caaaaake.
The satisfaction of finishing my first semester of college is going to be hard to beat.
My roommate is extremely occupied with her own finals, that she isn't bothering me with herself or her hamster.
I took some cute pictures with some really cute friends so we can look back and remember our sanity.
There is always some type of free food on campus and I love free food.

If you don't see me in a couple days, it's because finals got me. God bless.


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