
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another one down, still don't know who A is.

First of all, wtf. I was jumping into this episode of Pretty Little Liars expecting my one and only question: WHO IS A. But did they answer that? Nooooo. I just have a million more questions that won't be brought up again until June. (Is it sad that I'm more excited for the new season than I am for my 18th birthday? Probs.) I think it's Jason though. Also, if Ezra is dead I'm done. That man can NOT die. I even took the day off work so I could watch it. (Not really though, I actually took it off so I can attend college. Same diff though, right?)
All in all, I hate this show immensely but love it so much.. What is life.
Shoutout to Noel though, I've missed that fine piece of man candy.
(Don't worry Zac Efron, I haven't forgotten about you!)

Since I took not one, but TWO naps today, I'm going to be up all night over-thinking anything and everything. Lately, I've been wondering about where my life is going to take me in one year from now, five years from now, and even ten years from now. (That's scary, I don't want to be old!)
One year from now:
I'll be nearing the end of my first year at Dixie State. I'm planning on moving back up here for the Summer (free rent and laundry, holla!) and then going back down there for another year to get my Associates. I'm also planning on many trips to Swig and the Dixie rock in the next year. (and hopefully a long board is in my near future. Hint hint, mom.)
Five years from now:
I'm planning on completing my Associates Degree at Dixie and moving either back up here or California/New York to attend a University. I'm going to try to get into NYU if my path takes me into writing, which I am seriously considering. (Cross your fingers, kids.) I see myself in California just chillin' on the beach, being a tan mofo. (Maybe that shouldn't be on my agenda..) Sometimes I want to be a teacher, then other times I'm really feeling Journalism. I can't make up my mind. If I go into Journalism, my dream is to work in a big magazine company like Seventeen or Cosmo. (I'll be the journalist who writes REAL reviews and makes girls actually feel good about themselves.) I also am planning on going on a Humanitarian trip (or a couple..) in the next few years.
Ten years from now:
Ten years from now, when I'm almost 30, I want to be settled down with a family. I only want two or three kids, and I most definitely want to wait until I've lived my life how I want too, until kids come into the equation. (I live vicariously through my coworkers damn cute babies anyways, so it's fine.)

Having a pet pig and living in a pink house is also on my agenda.

Speaking of ten years from now, I can't even waaaaait until my 10 year high school reunion. A little soon?

One of my late night thought is unfortunately about how people perceive themselves. You all know Fat Albert; 'Hey Hey Hey on Christmas day, it's Faaaaat Albert!' 
I mean, does that poor man like being called fat? I bet he wishes he wouldn't have eaten those fries that one day. Now there is a movie about how fat he is.

I need to stop eating KFC.


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