
Sunday, March 16, 2014

The beach in New York

I feel like there needs to be an invention that allows sheets to put themselves on your bed. There is no better feeling than having nice, clean sheets, That is, until you have to put the stupid things back on your bed. No matter what, I always put them on the wrong way at first. Just me? Probably.

Since I know you all live vicariously through me and my need to go to New York, I've hatched a new plan. I really really want a Volkswagen bus. Like reeeeeally want one. (How could you not, though?)
But they don't have these babies in New York. So since I'm a rebel and stuff, I'm totally going to buy one of these and drive it to New York. (Then when I get there I'll probably take taxi's and pretend I'm in a limo with Chuck Bass...) But that's fine because for a short while IT WILL BE AWESOME. I'll be stuck in hours of traffic just blasting Katy Perry or something, waving at all the people giving me strange looks.
Then in a few years I'll move to the beach and all will be good in the bus hood.

Except for in the Talia-mobile we have one rule: the word 'fag' or 'faggot' is not allowed. I can't even express how much I despise that word. It's just..ew and anyone who says it is also ew. I also hate the word moist, but you can say it if you must.

Speaking of things being banned, one time in 9th grade my friend Taylor and I got banned from going to the bathroom during lunch. Whaaaaat? Hall Monitor hoe, I'm going to come use YOUR bathroom then.
It's awkward because we were actually really devastated at the time.

I would just like to inform everyone that I brought my dog to Starbucks with me today, (white girl problems orrr) and they gave her a 'pupaccino'. How cute is that!? She was the happiest dog on the block all running around the house barking and breathing like a crazy. But then it hit me that in a few months I won't have a pet Starbucks buddy and I can't even have a pet in my housing. I'm going to have to bring like, a pet rock or something and that's just going to make me look strange and weird! (I'll pretend to give my pet rock some of my Starbucks and then cry a little when I realize what my life is coming too.) This whole scenario might be worse than me becoming a crazy cat lady.

"Regret for wasted time is more wasted time."


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