
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time is of the essence.

Frankly, there just isn't enough time in a day.
After being bed-ridden for two days, I have this sudden burst of motivation.. at 11 o'clock at night. I could probably go run a marathon if I really wanted too! (hahahaha. Let's be real. I'm not even running down the stairs to get the Hot Cheetos currently residing in my pantry.)
I got this beautiful new camera for Christmas and I've barely had time to use it and it really upsets me. I mean, I'm 17 years old, not 27. My life shouldn't be this hectic.
I also don't have time for your 100 second Snapchat can you not.
If any of you know me, you know how much I love doing laundry. (Like I'm seriously obsessed.) and I haven't washed anything in two days and it's devastating. (It's even more devastating that I have aerobics tomorrow and I have no clean clothes for that shiz.)
 There are three books currently chillin' at my house just waiting for me to pick up and read, but do I have time? Negative.
Sooo either they need more time for Talia in a day or I need to get out of high school faster so I can sleep in till noon everyday and wonder where my day went.

How do people do this "life" thing?

Twitter is actually really stupid if you think about it..and it's getting even more stupid. (I almost said stupider.. that would have been quite ironic.) All I see is the same tweet TWENTY different times (although I did find out that yesterday was the 8 year mark since the first episode of Hannah Montana and I guess that is important news to know), a thousand stupid '801' accounts, and people who I'll most likely unfollow the day I graduate. But then again, there are accounts like Kardashian Reactions and all is well in the Twitter world for a few.
Isn't our generation awesome?

On that note, I ate KFC today. My Summer body is obviously in full swing!


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