
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's a hard-knock life.

I've been feeling really down these past couple of days and even in the hardest of times, I feel like it's necessary to look at the brighter side of things.
I feel like we take so much for granted that we only realize how thankful we were to have it, when it's gone.
 One bright thing about my life in particular though is that my mom didn't name me some ridiculous name like these god awful celebrities are naming their kids. I mean I like rainbows I guess, but I wouldn't like to be named after one..

Here are a few things little Talia is thankful for these days;

  • My mom. This lady is my rock, parking lot twerking buddy and best friend. I know I can count on her for anything and I don't know what I am going to do when I move and I can't steal her jewelry every morning. (Or have our little heart to hearts and dance parties in the kitchen.) I can't even express how grateful I am for having her in my life. 
  • Tianna. I'm so glad I have a sister, who is also my best friend. I know sometimes we have our ups and downs, and sometimes I hate having to help her pick out her outfits eeeevery night, but she's cute, and probably the sweetest little thing you'll ever meet. (She might make you listen to Luke Bryan ALL the that comes with the friendship.) Love you, Ti-hoe!
  • Tayler. When we were little we never ever got along, and now we are closer than ever. She's my biggest role model and she has fabulous hair. I know whatever I need she'll always be right there. I mean, who else would go to Zupas with me and drop my whole sandwich on the ground?
  • Austyn. Not only has he been my best friend for over 2 years, but he's also my biggest motivator. He's always believed in me when no one else has, pushed me to be my best and been with me all the way through high school. I couldn't be more thankful for that. I don't know where I would have been without him.
  • My job. Most teenagers hate their jobs, but I seriously love mine. I have awesome coworkers, making some great money, and it's helping me in the long run. I've opened up drastically and am taking the things I've learned from here into the real world. I know it's stressful sometimes and I can't handle some of the people, but at the end of the day, I have a job, and that's one thing a lot of people wish for. Dominic, Alex and I also had a very educated discussion about Honey Boo Boo tonight and that's always a good time.
  • The life I have lived so far. Yeah I've made some bad decisions, but they've all been a learning experience for me. I wasn't raised with a lot, and I'm not even mad. I've learned responsibility, hard work and discipline. To me, that's priceless.
  • My morals. I live by the saying "just because you go to church, doesn't mean your a good person". I don't actively attend church, and I'm better than half the people that do. I believe in equality and treating people the way YOU want to be treated. Like heeeello, I'm not here to judge and neither should you be.
  • The opportunity to have an education. As much as I love my job, I promised my mom I'm not working there my whole life. I'm moving on to bigger and better things. A lot of people don't have the means to go to college and even though I'm barely scraping by, I'm going to graduate and fulfill my goals and dreams.
  • Accutane. this is really weird and random, but I struggled with acne through my junior high and most high school years and if you've ever had severe acne, you know how bad it suuuucks. Accutane sucks too, but that baby cleared my face up and now I'm feeling more confident and better about myself.
 All in all, I'm just thankful for a lot of things and I'm trying really hard not to take them for granted these days.

On a fat kid note, I stood out in the freezing cold hail/rain today just for a damn waffle from the waffle truck. Was it worth it? Absolutely. If that isn't fat kid problems, then I don't know what is.

On skinny kid problems though, I did refrain from eating KFC today and that's a good accomplishment, I feel.


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