
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A literal hot mess.

I always get so excited to eat Hot Pockets... until I take them out of the microwave and they are literally HOT pockets. Whhhhy must the creators of this angel food make them impossible to eat for at leeeeast three minutes?
I mean, it only takes two minutes and ten seconds to make them, it shouldn't be allowed that they have to cool down longer than that. How much time do they think I have?
The sad life of a Hot Pocket and a Talia:
*Beep beep!*
"Holla guuuurl, my delicious Hot Pocket is done."
Now, I'm not new to this whole right out of the microwave thing. I know it needs to cool down at first. So after a minute or so I fold up the little convenient carrying pouch thing, burning my finger on the cheese that has seeped out in the process(is seeped even a word? I have no idea)
"Talia, I'm sorry but I'm going to be freaking hot for about an hour and then when you think I've cooled down, the steam from when you bite into me is going to burn your whole face. But enjoy!"
*Plays a game of checkers*
*Runs three miles*
*Goes to Africa*
"Oh would you look at that, this Hot Pocket is STILL burning hot."
I'm just trying to make the world a better place one Hot Pocket at a time.

Now that, my friends, is a literal HOT mess.
That should be their new slogan.
"Hi I'm a Hot Pocket and I'm here to burn your mouth and leave your life looking like a HOT MESS!"

I feel like a rant about food a lot more than I probably should. I should be ranting about Global Warming or Obama, but yet, cats and anything edible(especially donuts) seem to pop into here more than once.

So on the healthier side of Talia's life, I went to Jamba Juice today. 
I'm allergic to fruit, but they have these coconut water fruit refresher things, and as you all know, I love coconut, so I HAD to have one. I walk in ya know, and the little guy ringing me up asked my name and kept calling me the whole time I was in there. I don't know why, but I love when randoms say my name when I'm at work or they are.
Like hi, I have a cool name and your cool so please, say it again.

Now that I think about it, that sounds kind of creepy.. I just like when people say my name. I'm not going to be looking in your windows at night or anything(maybe).

I bet the guy who works at Jamba Juice doesn't have burning hot Hot Pockets.

Now this whole talk on Hot Pockets makes me wonder what Ryan Gosling does for fun(How this is involved in anyway is beyond me, but just go with it).
He probably just sits in front of the mirror and says "Hey, girl" and then smiles at himself. 
Or maybe he throws bread at hobos, I don't know.
All I do know, though, is that I could probably watch paint dry with him and be happy. 
Maybe we could eat Hot Pockets together.
Oh Ryan, it's like you knew my birthday was in 39 days. ;)


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