
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Put the good in the bad.

We all have to agree; having freshly washed sheets are one of the best things ever. Along side cookies, Honey Boo Boo and free WiFi. (Actually, the free WiFi at Wendy's is terrible. Don't use it.)
Now on the other hand,
actually having to put forth the effort and put the sheets back onto your bed, that's an awful time.
So as I was doing just that, it got me thinking.
How can something so good, be so bad at the same time?
Now the sheets example wasn't the best and probably a Cheetos example wouldn't be either...
Mom jeans.
Moms are good, right? They give you a house, buy you Pizza Rolls and strawberries.
Jeans are also good...until they come right out of the dryer. I don't have a butt(because I don't do my daily squats), and trying to squeeze into those bad boys, I pretty much feel like the size of Africa.
For one, I didn't know it was physically possible to get a pair of pants that high, two, the 80's are over and three, we all know those aren't comfortable.
Whenever I see a pair of mom jeans out and about in public, a small part of me dies somewhere in those washed-one-too-many-times pocket.

Watch, the ladies wearing the mom jeans are the baddest of us all. They live a secret life that is full of parties, puppies and Pablo's. They're like Hannah Montana, only mom versions.
...How decieving.

I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I see 'put the' as the first part of a sentence I always automatically think of that awful song "You put the lime in the coconut and shake it on up'. Then comes a vicious cycle of that line played over and over again for the next couple of days and I'm stuck here like 
"Can you not?"

I guess that is just one of the few downsides of being Talia.

Anyways, off the topic of limes, coconuts and mom jeans(which are still in fact awful), I would just like to say
everybody keeps saying
"Happy first day of summer!"
Uh, negative. If I still have school for two days, its not summer. If it's not June 21st, it's technically not summer.
Get your facts straight, you animals.


ps. I was going to go to the gym today, but I went to McDonalds instead. The cashiers name was Jim though, so I guess it still counts.

pps. You probably thought from the title of this that it would be something inspiring. Wroooong. It's about mom jeans.

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