
Thursday, August 7, 2014


Okay, so I completely know how cheesy this title is, but in reality, it might just be the truest thing I've ever laid eyes on.

My homegirl, Lauren Conrad, and my other homegirl, Tianna Ybarguen, have both blessed my life recently.
I come home from a long, hard Wednesday of being Talia, cleaning up plates and messes that devil children make and find NOT ONLY Perks of Being a Wallflower(she freaking found it at Target after I already looked there okay) but this little gem as well:
Not only is Lauren Conrad the most gorgeous human to ever walk the earth, but she's also an amazing  writer.
This book talks a lot about finding your own true beauty and not idolizing everything a celebrity does, because even they aren't as pretty as themselves. (Lauren, I really totally get your point, but it's awkward because I totally idolize you. Oops.)

Reading this book has really got me thinking. I'll look in the mirror, see scars, blemishes and every other flaw known to man and no matter how hard I try to cover something up or fix something with a quick swipe of powder, I'll always still notice it, because
I am my worst critic.

Why do I spend countless hours staring at the blackhead on my nose until it grows a face of its own and starts laughing at me, when chances are, you aren't even going to notice it?
Why is that girl at the mall who is wearing sweats with her hair in a messy bun so much prettier than I'll ever be?

We spend so much time worrying about what everyone else around us thinks, that we may lose our own sense of worth.
I personally feel like if we stopped reading every gossip/fashion column on every counter in front of the Wal-Mart check-out line, we would be able to see that we don't need pounds of make up or the best hair dresser in LA to curl our hair everyday to feel beautiful.
You don't have acne and don't have to wear foundation? That's amazing. Don't wear make up and flaunt that natural beauty.
You have severe acne and hate yourself because of that fact? Trust me, been there done thaaaat. Just realize, there is so much more to yourself than a few bumps on your face. Please please PLEASE never let acne define you. Go out and pick life up in the palm of your hand and do whatever you want. ( and I've also learned that LESS IS BEST. Don't keep layering on the make up. You'll only make it more noticeable.)
Everyone is different and you can read every single fashion blog out there, but nothing looks better on you than confidence. 
Chances are, that girl at the mall? She's thinking the same thing about you.

Now I'm not saying that I wake up every morning and just say
"Wow. I don't care what people think. I'm going to not wear make up and stay in this cat shirt all day."

Ohhhh no. I struggle daily with acne scars, the scariest hair aka 'the beast' and every other flaw our hormonal teenage bodies seem to produce. The thing is, I've come to accept that no matter how hard I want to be, I'm not Barbie. I'm not perfect. Is that going to stop me?
Absolutely not.
I know what I'm worth, what I'm capable of. If someone is judging or defining me by the marks on my face, they have more self esteem issues than even I have, and I don't even want to associate myself with them.

I can't stress this enough:

No matter your skin tone, hair color, birthmarks, blue or brown eyes; nothing defines your beauty and confidence but yourself.


Truthfully, just start talking about something you love and are passionate about, and I promise you, you will be the most beautiful person in the room.


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