
Monday, October 6, 2014

Fancy fingernails, lip gloss Barbie.

I feel like I've talked about this topic before, but it really just bothers me, so if I have, it deserves another hurrah.

I don't use the word hate all that often unless I am talking about eggs or carpet that turns your feet black(aka my apartment), but I really just hate people who get everything handed to them.

I understand that some have it better than others, but why wouldn't you want to work for what you have? I feel awkward asking my mom for money or even accepting money that she gives to me, but there are some people who just take the money without a care in the world, and they don't even offer to buy me some Arby's with all that green.

Okay, well we are in college. We have classes to attend to everyday, homework for hours on end, and still try to keep a social life brewing.
Well guess what?
I, Talia June Ybarguen, am taking 13 credit hours, work sometimes seven days a week, and still manage to get my homework in on time and somewhat have a social life on the weekends. 
I'm not saying that to seem all high and mighty, but if I can do it, you can as well.

Also, around this neck of the woods aka St. George, everyone seems to be(or at least act) extremely wealthy. I see kids on campus walking around in their blinged out Rock Revivals and revving their engines of the cars mommy and daddy bought them. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I see a big douche, the thing that alerts me the most is the way they chew their gum. Like, seriously. All the guys with the muscle tanks chomp their gum continuously and just practically scream DOUCHE ALERT. How about you pull up your pants, spit our your cow gum, wipe that smirk off your face and drive your douche bag-y self home to your douche bag-y house. 

Alright, not all humans who wear Rock Revivals are douche bags. I, in particular used to work at Platos Closet and got myself a nice pair of those bad boys for only $40. Although, that was literally three years ago, when it was still cool to wear jewels on my butt. But, you see, I would much rather hang out with a person who has a sense of responsibly and can manage on their own. They know the 'struggle'.

When I was 15, I got a job. Not because I was forced to, but because I was bored and I wanted a lot of things, but didn't want to ask my mom for them. I'm extremely grateful that I did that because I learned a lot from that job. For one, I hated the place and got paid terribly for the amount of work that I was doing, and for two, I became extremely responsible with my money and learned how to save.

If you think about it this way, would you want to marry someone who has never had to work for themselves, never had to clean up after themselves and don't even know how the world works? Or would you want to hire someone like that? I know I sure wouldn't, and we all totally know that person.

My mom is a really cool lady because she taught me how to be independent. She didn't give me the Barbie I cried for when we were walking down the aisle at Wal-Mart and I was being a brat, she never let me act spoiled with what I did have, and she's been the greatest example to me when it comes to hard work and working for what you want. If it wasn't for her, I would probably be out blowing all my cash on coffee and clothes. Oh, wait. ;)

Long story even longer, my children will not wear Rock Revivals, they will not be spoiled little nasties, and they will learn responsibly and hard work.
Sooo future mom award goes to.... 


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